One laundry machine will use as much water in one year as the average person drinks in a lifetime. All but less than 1% of utility-treated (cleaned) water is consumed. More than 99% of it goes to lawns, washing machines, toilets, and literally down the drain.
Here are 5 eco-friendly laundry tips ♻️:
♻️Save up your laundry for full loads-
Resist the urge to do several small loads over the course of a week, and wait until you have a washers worth of laundry. Even the most high tech energy efficient washing machines use 27 gallons of water and older models consumer up to 54 gallons per load.
♻️Wear it more than once-
Not every item needs to go into the wash after just one day, or worse, just a few hours of use.
♻️Use green laundry detergent-
Skip detergents with artificial fragrances, which are filled with chemicals that can end up in our waterways. @all_laundry Free & Clear is a great choice!
